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COP27: Swimmer attempts Red Sea crossing for climate change Empty COP27: Swimmer attempts Red Sea crossing for climate change

Wed Oct 19, 2022 12:03 am
Endurance swimmer Lewis Pugh is attempting what is thought to be the world's first swim across the Red Sea.

He wants to highlight the vulnerability of coral reefs and oceans ahead of a major climate meeting in Egypt in November.

He told BBC News he wanted world leaders to "put your heads in the water to see what we risk losing if we don't take urgent action".

He hopes to swim the 160km (100 miles) distance over two weeks.

Nations will be gathering in Sharm el-Sheikh for COP27 in November to discuss how the world is tackling rising temperatures.

Mr Pugh, a UN Patron of the Oceans, will face warm sea temperatures, very salty water, and long hours of exposure to the sun as he swims around 10km (6 miles) a day.

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