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Join date : 2023-04-18

Why are the world's oceans changing color? The balance of marine phytoplankton populations is changing. As a result of human-caused climate change. Empty Why are the world's oceans changing color? The balance of marine phytoplankton populations is changing. As a result of human-caused climate change.

Thu May 23, 2024 12:54 am
Why are the world's oceans changing color?
The balance of marine phytoplankton populations is changing. As a result of human-caused climate change.

When you imagine the ocean You might imagine sparkling turquoise waters. But recent research suggests that our world's oceans may be turning greener. And the main driver of this is climate change.

While some water sources, especially in areas near the equator is turning green But other bodies of water are turning bluer as global temperatures rise.

Even this change is not visible to the naked eye. But from studies through satellite images Makes the changes on the map clearly visible

"Color isn't something that's easily explained in human language, or you can't see it very well," said B.B. Kael, a scientist at the National Ocean Center in Southampton. UK said, adding that animals such as crayfish or butterflies may be able to see colors more clearly than humans.

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