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Join date : 2024-06-27

Berlin, and finally to Luxembourg and a three-day stakeout at the gates of the country’s migrant reception centre. Empty Berlin, and finally to Luxembourg and a three-day stakeout at the gates of the country’s migrant reception centre.

Thu Jun 27, 2024 1:36 am
It was a confrontation that marked the culmination of a BBC investigation that had begun 51 days earlier - hours after five people, including a seven-year-old girl named Sara, had died in the sea off northern France. She had suffocated beneath a crush of bodies inside an inflatable boat.
That investigation had taken us from the informal migrant camps around Calais and Boulogne, to a French police unit in Lille, to a market town in Essex, to the Belgian port of Antwerp, Berlin, and finally to Luxembourg and a three-day stakeout at the gates of the country’s migrant reception centre.

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