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Join date : 2024-05-30

"The main glacier starts giving water only in the month of June," Empty "The main glacier starts giving water only in the month of June,"

Thu Jun 13, 2024 3:20 am
Witnessing the climate impacts his community was facing, 87-year-old Norphel, an engineer and former rural development officer, came up with an innovative technique that prevents farmers from facing a shortfall in their yields and brings glaciers closer to their village.
"The main glacier starts giving water only in the month of June," says Norphel. "We can't make water. So our only option is to use the source available to us."
Norphel says the idea to use glacier water as a resource came to him where he least expected it: a garden tap behind his house. "We keep the taps running in winter to keep the water flowing," he says. "Otherwise the water freezes in pipes and risks bursting." This water, however, usually just drains away. Norphel observed a small patch of thin ice that had formed under one of his running taps. The water had pooled under a shady area and frozen over, as it was away from direct sunshine. He realised if he could capture and freeze the wasted water, he could create an artificial glacier for the entire village.

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